Whoohoo~ Finally a meetup with my friends on day 4 of CNY! <3 It was super impromptu and I'm glad most of them were able to make it. Simple things like this can really make my day. In fact I can feel my spirit being being lifted up HAHAHAHA. Yes, I was too happy that despite smiling like an idiot in the ONLY group shot we had, I STILL HAVE TO POST IT.

Ok don't look anymore. Walao! my eyes look like 2 lines la. Yeah we had dinner at Timhowan and I had a bad diarrhea after that. Even had to get out of bed to rush to the toilet during the wee hours. It was that bad. I suspect it was the mango sago. Other than that, the food was good :) I still feel it was a waste to not be able to capture all the pics of the food we ordered... :(((( AHHHH BLAME THE HUNGRY PEEPS.
Ending off with selfie~~ though I was damn tired alr. Vain what, what to do. I swear I did not edit my eyes... Though I admit it looks kinda creepy big, I guess it's big only at tt second when I snapped it only la cos they're usually quite small. Ok, Cya! :D